
Business & Corporates

No matter the size of your company or the sector where you operate.

Cost-effective plans that meet your business needs

No matter the size of your company or the sector where you operate, Limitless Care can provide you with a quality medical plan that’s tailored to meet your exact needs and that guarantees you major savings.

Each business is different, but employee satisfaction is crucial to creating a supportive work environment that allows the company to grow. Limitless Care has created a complete healthcare ecosystem that provides peace of mind for your employees, allowing them to thrive.


How we work

We support our cardholders’ relationship with their insurance company and manage self-funded schemes on behalf of our clients, using customized plans that suit each budget.

Data-driven and cost-effective

We use a data-driven approach that boosts efficiency and reduces costs, allowing us to offer competitive plans that reduce burdens on corporate budgets, providing opportunities for great savings.

Support for corporate medical teams

We work closely with our clients’ existing medical departments, allowing them to select what they need from our wide range of services and tools, including white-labeling technology, call center access, claims adjudication, analytics, etc.

Cardholder satisfaction

With the convenience and accessibility of our providers, the no-stress approach to billing and approvals, and the accessibility of our top-quality customer service team, we take the stress out of healthcare for our cardholders.

Fast and efficient

We use digital solutions and a paperless approach, so there’s no need for claim forms, and our approvals take a maximum of 3 minutes.

Cardholder satisfaction

We use digital solutions and a paperless approach, so there’s no need for claim forms, and our approvals take a maximum of 3 minutes.

Our providers

Our network of experienced healthcare providers is nationwide, and all services can be booked via our online portal or app.


Interested in hearing how our plans can work for you?

Fill in the form and we’ll get in touch.

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